APA Citation Style

Practicing with APA 7 - Reference Lists & Bibliographies

What is a bibliography?

A bibliography is a list of resources that goes at the end of your paper. Normally this list will be alphabetized by the author's last name. There are lots of ways of referring to bibliographies; some people call them “works cited lists,” “references,” or something else. They are all essentially the same thing. In APA, the bibliography is referred to as a “reference list” and the heading References is used. 

Pay attention to the capitalization of words in your citations! When using APA style, the only words that should be capitalized are:

  • Proper nouns (like a person’s name, the name of an organization or place, a brand name, etc.)
    • Washington, D.C.
    • Dr. Frank Gilliam
    • American Civil Liberties Union
    • University of North Carolina at Greensboro
    • Krispy Kreme
  • Words following a colon (:)
    • This is an example: The first word after a colon should be capitalized
  • Words at the beginning of a sentence

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Below is an example of how to cite a journal article in a reference list. It includes the following elements: the author’s last name and first initial, the date of publication, the title of the article, the journal in which the article was published, the volume and issue of the journal, and the page numbers. The DOI (digital object identifier) appears at the end. *Remember that citations in APA need a hanging indent. 

Laor, T. (2020). The race to escape: Location-based escapism and physical activity as a motivator in the consumption of the AR game Pokémon Go. Cyberpsychology, 14(2), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.5817/CP2020-2-6

APA hanging indent citation example, journal article

Below you’ll see an example of how to cite a magazine article. It contains many of the same elements as the citation of the journal article above. In this case, no DOI was available, so it has been omitted. *Remember that citations in APA need a hanging indent. 

Vella, M. (2016). The Pokémon fad shows the unnerving future of augmenting reality. TIME Magazine, 188(4), 19–20.

APA hanging indent citation example, magazine article

Here we have an example of how to cite a book in APA 7. You are no longer required to list the city of the publisher in APA citations. *Remember that citations in APA need a hanging indent. 

Milan, C. (2006). Cesar’s way: The natural everyday guide to understanding and correcting common dog problems. Three Rivers Press. 

APA hanging indent citation example, book

And last but not least, here is an example of a website cited in APA style. The URL goes at the end of the citation. *Remember that citations in APA need a hanging indent. 

Ramsey, R. (2020, August 3). Random: You can pick up and pet cats in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Push. https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2020/08/random_you_can_pick_up_and_pet_cats_in_assassins_creed_valhalla

APA hanging indent citation example, website


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