Kidd, Sue Monk

Personal Information

  • Born in 1948

Here are some other works by the author!:
The Secret Life of Bees, Penguin Book, 2003
The Mermaid Chair, Penguin, 2006
The Invention of Wings, Penguin Books, 2015
The Book of Longings: A Novel, Viking,2020
Firstlight: The Early Inspirational Writings, Penguin Books, 2007
Traveling with Pomegranates: A Mother and Daughter Journey to the Sacred Places of Greece, Turkey, and France, Penguin Books, 2010
The Dance of the Dissident Daughter: A Woman's Journey from Christian Tradition to the Sacred Feminine , HarperOne, 2016
When the Heart Waits: Spiritual Direction for Life's Sacred Questions, HarperOne, 2016

N.C. Locations Associated with Kidd, Sue Monk

Resided in:
Chapel Hill (City/Town)