Shute, Jr., John Raymond

Personal Information

Nick Name
J. Ray
  • Born in 1904 , in Monroe, NC.

Here are some other works by the author!:
Twilight in the Temple, Nocalore Press, 1950
Golden Dawn, Nocalore Press, 1950
The Seer, His Parables and Tales, Nocalore Press, 1950
The Chapel of the Seer, Nocalore Press, 1950
The Quest, Nocalore Press, 1951
The Happy Mayor, Nocalore Press, 1951
Soft Tolls the Bell, Nocalore Press, 1953
Quintology, Nocalore Press, 1954

N.C. Locations Associated with Shute, Jr., John Raymond

Resided in:
Monroe (City/Town)
Studied at:
Duke University
Manuscript Location:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill