Barya, Mildred Kiconco

Personal Information

Here are some other books by the author:
Men Love Chocolates But They Don't Say, New Visions Publishing, 2002
The Price of Memory: After the Tsunami, Mallory Publishing, 2006
Give Me Room To Move My Feet, Amalion Publishing, 2009
A Fragile Heart, Femrite Publications, 2009
If I Was, Femrite Publications, 2009
Stormy Heart, BN Poetry Foundation, 2014
Short Stories
Raindrops, Femrite Publications, 2001
Scars of the Earth, Ayebia Clarke Publishing, 2006
Effigy Child, Femrite Publications, 2008
What was Left of Us, Pambazuka News, 2008
Black Stone, Per Contra, 2012

N.C. Locations Associated with Barya, Mildred Kiconco

Resided in:
Buncombe (County)
Taught at:
University of North Carolina -Asheville