Bell, Clyde Ritchie

Personal Information

Nick Name
C. Ritchie Bell
  • Born in 1921

Included Titles By Bell, Clyde Ritchie

Here are some other books by the author:
Plant Variation and Classification, Wadsworth Publishing Company 1967,
Biology, Harper & Row, 1976, et al.
Florida Wild Flowers and Roadside Plants, Laurel Hill Press, 1982, et al.
Growing and Propagating Wild Flowers, University of North Carolina Press, 1985, Editor
Fall Color and Woodland Harvests, Laurel Hill Press, 1990

N.C. Locations Associated with Bell, Clyde Ritchie

Resided in:
Asheville (City/Town)
Chapel Hill (City/Town)
Taught at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
Studied at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill