Dern, Peggy

Personal Information

Included Titles By Dern, Peggy

Here are some other books by the author:
Christmas Hill, Arcadia House, 1946
Dear Friend, Areadia House, 1948
Doctor Christopher, Arcadia House, 1949
Nora Was a Nurse, Arcadia House, 1953
Oleander Cove, Arcadia House, 1954
Nurse Ellen, Arcadia House, 1956
Nurse in the Tropics, Linford, 1957
Her Day in Court, Arcadia House, 1960
Love Trap, Curley, 1960
Florida Nurse, Linford, 1961
Palm Beach Girl, Arcadia House, 1962
Nurse with a Dream, Prestige Books, 1963
A Nurse for Apple Valley, Arcadia, 1964
Nurse Felicity, Arcadia, 1966
Nurse's Dilemma, Arcadia, 1966
The Trusting Heart, J. Curley & Associates, 1974
Understand, My Love, Ulverscroft, 1992
County Nurse, Ulverscroft, 1993
Nurse at Burford's Landing, Ulverscroft, 1993

N.C. Locations Associated with Dern, Peggy