Stern, Richard G.

Personal Information

  • Born in 1928

Here are some other books by the author:
Golk, Criterion, 1960
Europe; or, Up and Down with Schreiber and Baggish, McGraw-Hill, 1961
In Any Case, McGraw-Hill, 1962
Teeth, Dying, and Other Matters, Harper & Row, 1964
Stitch, Harper & Row, 1965
Honey and Wax, University of Chicago Press, 1966, Editor
1968, Holt, 1970
Other Men’s Daughters, Dutton, 1973
Natural Shocks, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1978
Packages, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1980
A Father’s Words, Arbor House, 1986
Noble Rot, Grove Press, 1989
Shares and Other Fictions, Delphinium, 1992
Pacific Tremors, Northwestern University Press, 2001
What is What Was, University of Chicago Press, 2002
Almonds to Zhoof, Northwestern University Press, 2005
The Books in Fred Hampton’s Apartment, Dutton, 1973
The Invention of the Real, University of Georgia Press, 1982
The Position of the Body, Northwestern University Press, 1986
One Person and Another, Baskerville Publishers, 1993
A Sistermony, Donald I. Fine, 1995
Still on Call, University of Michigan Press, 2010

N.C. Locations Associated with Stern, Richard G.

Studied at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill