Tolan, Stephanie S.

Personal Information

  • Born in 1942

Included Titles By Tolan, Stephanie S.

Here are some other books by the author:
Children's Fiction
Grandpa and Me, Scribner, 1978
The Last of Eden, F. Warne, 1980
The Liberation of Tansy Warner, Scribner, 1980
No Safe Harbors, Scribner, 1981
A Time to Fly Free, Scribner, 1983
The Great Skinner Strike, Macmillan, 1983
Pride of the Peacock, Scribner, 1986
The Great Skinner Enterprise, Four Winds Press, 1986
The Great Skinner Getaway, Four Winds Press, 1987
A Good Courage, Morrow Junior Books, 1988
The Great Skinner Homestead, Four Winds Press, 1988
Plague Year, Morrow Junior Books, 1990
Marcy Hooper and the Greatest Treasure in the World, Morrow Junior Books, 1991
Sophie and the Sidewalk Man, Four Winds Press, 1992
The Witch of Maple Park, Morrow Junior Books, 1992
Saving Halloween!, Morrow Junior Books, 1993
Who's There?, Morrow Junior Books, 1994
Welcome to the Ark, Morrow Junior Books, 1996
The Face in the Mirror, Morrow Junior Books, 1998
Ordinary Miracles, Morrow Junior Books, 1999
Flight of the Ravens, HarperCollins, 2001
Bartholomew's Blessing, HarperCollins, 2004
Wishworks, Inc., Arthur A. Levine Books, 2009
Guiding the Gifted Child, Ohio Psychology Pub. Co., 1982

N.C. Locations Associated with Tolan, Stephanie S.

Resided in:
Charlotte (City/Town)