Lee, Christopher James

Personal Information

Here are some other books by the author:
Irony and Metaphor: Effects of Speaker Intention and Audience Polarization in Conversation, University of Western Ontario, 1990
An Examination of Whether Irony and Sarcasm are Different Terms for the Same Psychological Construct, University of Western Ontario, 1994
This Sceptred Isle, Penguin Books, 1997
South Africa in World Historical Perspective: An Introduction to the History of South Africa, Stanford University, 1999
Estimated Movement of Brook Char (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill) Inhabiting an Acid-Mine-Drainage-Polluted Watershed Using Molecular Markers, Pennsylvania, 1999
South Africa and the United States Compared: The Best of Safundi, 2003-2004, Safundi, 2005
Making a World After Empire: The Bandung Moment and It's Political Afterlives, Ohio University Press, 2010
South Africa and the United States Compared, Cambridge University Press, 2010

N.C. Locations Associated with Lee, Christopher James

Taught at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill