Conrad, Earl

Personal Information

  • Born in 1912

Included Titles By Conrad, Earl

Here are some other books by the author:
Scottsboro Boy, Doubleday, 1950, et al.
Rock Bottom, Doubleday, 1952
The Da Vinci Machine, Fleet Press, 1969
The Premier, Doubleday, 1963
Crane Eden, Random House, 1962
Club, West-Lewis, 1974
Typoo: A Typographical Novel, Eriksson, 1969
Harriet Tubman, Associated Publishers, 1943
News of the Nation, Doubleday, 1944, et al.
Jim Crow America, Duell, 1947
The Public School Scandal, John Day, 1951
Horse Trader, Crowell, 1953
Mr. Seward for the Defense, Holt, 1956
The Governor and His Lady, Putnam, 1960
The Invention of the Negro, Eriksson, 1966
Billy Rose: Manhattan Primitive, World Publishing, 1968
Battle New York: Mural of the Metropolis, West-Lewis, 1969
Everything and Nothing: The Dorothy Dandridge Tragedy, Abelard, 1970, et al.
The Red, White, and Blues, West-Lewis, 1976
Errol Flynn, Dodd, 1978

N.C. Locations Associated with Conrad, Earl

Resided in:
North Carolina (State)