DeMarest, Phyllis Gordon

Personal Information

  • Born in 1911

Included Titles By DeMarest, Phyllis Gordon

Here are some other books by the author:
Society Man, Consolidated Press
Children of Holloywood, Macaulay Company, 1929
Holloywood Gold, Macaulay, 1930
Lady Gone Wild, Macaulay, 1932
The Strange Love, London, 1939
The Naked Rish, Hutchinson, 1954
Trumpet of Wrath, Hutchinson, 1957
Vredens Trompet, 1959
The Angelic City, Hutchinson, 1961
Trumpet of Wrath, Hutchinson, 1962
Los Angeles, Planeta, 1965

N.C. Locations Associated with DeMarest, Phyllis Gordon