Mason, Francis Van Wyck

Personal Information

Pseudonym/ Also Know As
Geoffrey Coffin, Frank W. Mason, Ward Weaver
Nick Name
F. Van Wyck Mason
  • Born in 1901

Included Titles By Mason, Francis Van Wyck

Here are some other books by the author:
Seeds of Murder, Doubleday, 1930
Captain Nemesis, Putnam, 1931
The Vesper Service Murders, Doubleday, 1931
The Fort Terror Murders, Doubleday, 1931
The Yellow Arrow Murders, Doubleday, 1932
The Branded Spy Murders, Doubleday, 1932
Spider House, Mystery League, 1932
The Shanghai Bund Murders, Doubleday, 1933
The Sulu Sea Murders, Doubleday, 1933
The Budapest Parade Murders, Eldon Press, 1935
The Washington Legation Murders, Doubleday, 1935
The Seven Seas Murders, Doubleday, 1936
The Castle Island Case, Reynal, 1937
The Hong Kong Airbase Murders, Doubleday, 1937
The Cairo Garter Murders, Jarrolds, 1938
Three Harbours, Lippincott, 1938
The Singapore Exile Murders, Jarrolds, 1939
Stars on the Sea, Lippincott, 1940
The Bucharest Ballerina Murders, Stokes, 1940
Military Intelligence, Stokes, 1941
The Rio Casino Intrigue, Reynal, 1941
Rivers of Glory, Lippincott, 1942
Saigon Singer, Doubleday, 1946
Eagle in the Sky, Lippincott, 1948
Cutlass Empire, Doubleday, 1949
Dardanelles Derelict, Doubleday, 1949
Valley Forge, Doubleday, 1950
Proud New Flags, Lippincott, 1951
Himalayan Assignment, Doubleday, 1952
The Winter at Valley Forge , Random House, 1953
Wild Drums Beat, Pocket Books, 1954
The Barbarians, Pocket Books, 1954
Blue Hurricane, Lippincott, 1954
Silver Leopard, Doubleday, 1955
Two Tickets to Tangier, Doubleday, 1955
Captain Judas, Pocket Books, 1955
Our Valiant Few, Little Brown, 1956
Lysander, Pocket Books, 1956
The Gracious Lily Affair, Doubleday, 1957
The Young Titan, Doubleday, 1959
Return of the Eagles, Pocket Books, 1959
The Battle of Lake Erie, Houghton Mifflin, 1960
Secret Mission to Bangkok, Doubleday, 1960
Manila Galleon, Hutchinson, 1961
The Sea 'venture, Doubleday, 1961
The Battle for New Orleans, Houghton Mifflin, 1962
Trouble in Burma, Doubleday, 1962
Zanzibar Intrigue, Doubleday, 1963
Maracaibo Mission, Doubleday, 1965
Rascals' Heaven, Hutchinson, 1965
The Battle for Quebec, Houghton Mifflin, 1965
Wild Horizon, Little Brown, 1966
The Deadly Orbit Mission, Doubleday, 1968
Harpoon in Eden, Doubleday, 1969
The Maryland Colony, Macmillan, 1969
Brimstone Club, Little Brown, 1971
Roads to Liberty, Little Brown, 1972
Guns for Rebellion, Doubleday, 1977
Armored Giants, Little Brown, 1980
Written as Geoffrey Coffin
Murder in the Senate, Dodge, 1935
The Forgotten Fleet Mystery, Dodge, 1936
Written as Frank W. Mason
Q-Boat, Lippincott, 1943
Pilots, Man Your Planes!, Lippincott, 1944
Flight into Danger, Lippincott, 1946
Written as Ward Weaver
Hang My Wreath, Funk and Wagnalls, 1941
End of Track, Reynal, 1943

N.C. Locations Associated with Mason, Francis Van Wyck