Adair, James Radford

Personal Information

Here are some other books by the author:
Biographical Non-Fiction
The Man from Steamtown, Moody, 1967
M. R. De Haan, Zondervan, 1969
Saints Alive, Van Kampen Press, 1951
God's Power Within, Prentice-Hall, 1961, Editor
We Found Our Way Out, Baker Book, 1964, Editor
Teen With a Future, Baker Book, 1965, Editor
God's Power to Triumph, Prentice-Hall, 1965, Editor
The Old Lighthouse, Moody, 1966
Tom Skinner, Baker Book, 1967, Editor
Unhooked, Baker Book, 1971, Editor
Hooked on Jesus, Baker Book, 1971, Editor
Brothers Black, Baker Book, 1973. Editor
Escape from Darkness, Victor Books (Wheaton, IL), 1982, Co-compiler
Warren W. Wiersbe, A Time to Be Renewed, Victor Books, 1986, Editor
101 Days in the Gospels with Oswald Chambers, Victor Books, 1992, Co-compiler
101 Days in the Epistles with Oswald Chambers, Victor Books, 1994, Co-compiler
A New Look at the Old Lighthouse, Pacific Garden Mission, 1996
Oswald Chambers, A New Testament Walk with Oswald Chambers, F. H. Revell, 1998, Co-compiler
Be Quoted, Baker Books, 2000, Editor

N.C. Locations Associated with Adair, James Radford