Gwin, Minrose C.

Personal Information

Here are some other books by the author:
Biographical Non-Fiction
A Woman's Civil War, University of Wisconsin Press, 1992, Editor
Wishing for Snow, Louisiana State University Press, 2004
Black and White Women of the Old South, University of Tennessee Press, 1985
The Queen of Palmyra, 1st Harper Perennial, 2010
Promise, William Morrow, 2018
The Accidentals, William Morrow, 2019
Black and White Women of the Old South, University of Tennessee Press, 1985
The Feminine and Faulkner, University of Tennessee Press, 1990
The Woman in the Red Dress, University of Illinois Press, 2002
Remembering Medgar Evers, University of Georgia Press, 2013
Stones and Roses, Chamisa Press, 1993

N.C. Locations Associated with Gwin, Minrose C.

Resided in:
Chapel Hill (City/Town)
Taught at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill