Kilgore, Benjamin Wesley

Personal Information

  • Born in 1867

Included Titles By Kilgore, Benjamin Wesley

Here are some other books by the author:
On the Cause and Prevention of the Injury to Foliage by Arsenites Together with a New and Cheap Arsenite, and Experiments on Combining Arsenites with Some Fungicides, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1891
Injury of Foliage by Arsenites, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1891
Investigations Upon the Phospheric Acid in Crude Fertilizer Materials, and Upon Methods of Fertilizer Analyses, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1893, et. al.
Practical Stock Feeding, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1893
Rational Stock Feeding, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1894, et. al.
Digestion Experiments with Soy Bean Hay, Cat-Tail Millet, Johnson Grass Hay, Sorghum Fodder and Bagasse, Peanut-Vine Hay, Cotton-Seed Meal, Cotton-Seed Hulls, Crimson Clover Hay, Corn Meal, Corn-and-Cob Meal, and Corn Silage, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1894, et. al.
Volumetric Estimation of Phosphoric Acid, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1895, et. al.
Cotton-Seed Hulls and Meal For Beef Production, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1895, et. al.
Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College Experiment Station, 1898, et. al.
Natural Plant Food, Claims Made for it and its Value, Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College Experiment Station, 1898
Systematic Investigation of Soils, 1901
Fairs and Their Educational Value, Agricultural Extension Service, 1918
Cooperative Marketing of Farm Crops, Agricultural Extension Service, 1921

N.C. Locations Associated with Kilgore, Benjamin Wesley