Lancaster, Bruce

Personal Information

  • Born in 1896

Included Titles By Lancaster, Bruce

Here are some other books by the author:
The Wide Sleeve of Kwannon, Frederick A. Stokes, 1938
Guns of Burgoyne, Frederick A. Stokes, 1939
For Us the Living, Frederick A. Stokes, 1940
Bright to the Wanderer, Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1942
Trumpet to Arms, Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1944
The Scarlet Patch, Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1947
No Bugles Tonight, Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1948
Venture in the East, Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1951
The Secret Road, Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1952
Blind Journey, Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1953
Roll Shenandoah, Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1956
Night March, Little, Brown, 1958
The Big Knives, Little, Brown, 1964
From Lexington to Liberty, Doubleday, 1955
The American Revolution, Garden City Books, 1957
The American Heritage Book of the Revolution, American Heritage Press, 1958
Ticonderoga, Houghton, 1959

N.C. Locations Associated with Lancaster, Bruce