Henderson, LeGrand

Personal Information

Pseudonym/ Also Know As
Le Grand, Brian Harwin, LeGrand
  • Born in 1901

Included Titles By Henderson, LeGrand

Here are some other books by the author:
Why Is a Yak?, Grosset, 1937
Mostly About Mutt, Garden City, 1938
Augustus and the River, Bobbs, 1939
What About Willie?, Garden City, 1939
Augustus Goes South, Bobbs, 1940
Augustus and the Mountains, Bobbs, 1941
Saturday for Samuel, Greystone, 1941
Glory Horn, McBride, 1941
Augustus Helps the Navy, Bobbs, 1942
Augustus Helps the Army, Bobbs, 1943
Augustus Helps the Marines, Bobbs, 1943
Augustus Drives a Jeep, Bobbs, 1944
Augustus Flies, Bobbs, 1944
Augustus Saves a Ship, Bobbs, 1945
Augustus Hits the Road, Bobbs, 1946
Cap'n Dow and the Hole in the Doughnut, Abingdon, 1946
Augustus Rides the Border, Bobbs, 1947
Augustus and the Desert, Bobbs, 1948
Cats for Kansas, Abingdon, 1948
Here Come the Perkinses!, Bobbs, 1949
The Puppy Who Chased the Sun, Wonder Books, 1950
Why Cowboys Sing In Texas, Abingdon, 1950
The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Fish, Wonder Books, 1951
Home Is Upriver, Macmillan, 1952
When the Mississippi Was Wild, Abingdon, 1952
Are Dogs Better Than Cats?, Wonder Books, 1953
Matilda, Abingdon, 1956
The Tomb of the Mayan King, Henry Holt, 1958
How Baseball Began in Brooklyn, Abingdon, 1958
How Space Rockets Began, Abingdon, 1960
How Basketball Began, Abingdon, 1962
Samson Catches a Mystery, Houghton, 1962
The Amazing Adventures of Archie and the First Hot Dog, Abingdon Press, 1964

N.C. Locations Associated with Henderson, LeGrand