Mitchell, Broadus

Personal Information

  • Born in 1892

Included Titles By Mitchell, Broadus

Here are some other books by the author:
Frederick Law Olmsted, 1924
William Gregg, 1928
The Industrial Revolution in the South, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1930, et al.
A Preface to Economics, Holt, 1932
General Economics, Henry Holt, 1937
Practical Problems in Economics, Holt, 1938, et al.
American Economic History, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1947, et al.
Depression Decade, Rinehart, 1947
American Adventure, Harper, 1949
Economics: Experience & Analysis, Sloane, 1950
Alexander Hamilton: Youth to Maturity 1755-1788, 1957
Heritage from Hamilton, Columbia University Press, 1957
Alexander Hamilton: The National Adventure 1788-1804, 1962
A Biography of the Constitution of the United States, Oxford University Press, 1964
Great Economist in Their Times, Littlefield, 1966
Postscripts to Economic History, Littlefield, Adams, 1967
Alexander Hamilton: The Revolutionary Years, Crowell, 1970
The Road to Yorktown, McGraw-Hill, 1971
The Price of Independence, Oxford University Press, 1974
Alexander Hamilton: A Concise Biography, Oxford University Press, 1976

N.C. Locations Associated with Mitchell, Broadus