Bothwell, Jean

Personal Information

  • Born in 1892

Included Titles By Bothwell, Jean

Here are some other books by the author:
Little Boat Boy, Harcourt, 1945
River Boy of Kashmir, Morrow, 1946
Star of India, Morrow, 1947
The Empty Tower, Morrow, 1948
Little Flute Player, Morrow, 1949
Sword of a Warrior, Harcourt, 1951
Golden Letter to Siam, Abelard, 1953
Hidden Treasure, Friendship, 1954
The First Book of Roads, F. Watts, 1955
Search for a Golden Bird, Harcourt, 1956
Tree House at Seven Oaks, Abelard, 1957
Promise of the Rose, Harcourt, 1958
The Missing Violin, Harcourt, 1959
The Silver Mango Tree, Harcourt, 1960
The Animal World of India, F. Watts, 1961
The First Book of Pakistan, F. Watts, 1962
The White Fawn of Phalera, Harcourt, 1963
Romany Girl, Harcourt, 1964
The Dancing Princess, Harcourt, 1965
Ride, Zarina, Ride, Harcourt, 1966
The Vanishing Wildlife of East Africa, Abelard, 1967
Mystery at the House-of-the-Fish, Harcourt, 1968
Defiant Bride, Harcourt, 1969
African Herdboy: A Story of the Masai, Harcourt, 1970
The Secret in the Wall, Abelard, 1971

N.C. Locations Associated with Bothwell, Jean

Resided in:
Eastern North Carolina (Region)