Quinn, David Beers

Personal Information

  • Born in 1909

Included Titles By Quinn, David Beers

Here are some other books by the author:
Government Printing and the Publication of the Irish Statutes in the Sixteenth Century, Hodges, Figgis, 1943
Some Spanish Reactions to Elizabethan Colonial Enterprises, Royal Historical Society, 1951
The American Drawings of John White, 1577-1590 with Drawings of European and Oriental Subjects, University of North Carolina Press, 1964
The Principall Navigations, Voiages, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Cambridge University Press, 1965
The New Found Land, John Carter Brown Library, 1965
The Elizabethans and the Irish, Cornell University Press, 1966
Observations Gathered Out of "A Discourse on the Plantation of the Southern Colony in Virginia by the English, 1606", University of Virginia Press, 1967
Sebastian Cabot and Bristol Exploration, Bristol Branch, 1968
North American Discovery, Harper, 1971, Editor
The Discovery of North America, American Heritage Press, 1972, et al.
The New Found Land of Stephen Parmenius, University of Toronto Press, 1972, Editor
Virginia Voyages from Hakluyt, Oxford University Press, 1973, ed.
England and the Discovery of America, 1481-1620, from the Bristol Voyages of the Fifteenth Century to the Pilgrim Settlement at Plymouth, Knopf, 1974
The Exploration of North America, 1634-1776, Elek, 1974
The Hakluyt Handbook, Hakluyt Society, 1974
The Last Voyage of Thomas Cavendish, 1591-1592, Chicago, 1975
North America from Earliest Discovery to First Settlements, Harper, 1977
New American World, Arno, 1979
Sources for the Ethnography of Northeastern North America to 1611, National Museums of Canada, 1981
Early Maryland in a Wider World, Wayne State University Press, 1982
The First Colonists, University of North Carolina Press, 1982, Editor
The English New England, 1602-1608, Hakluyt Society, 1983, Editor
England's Sea Empire, 1550-1642, George Allen & Unwin, 1983
The Lost Colonists, University of North Carolina Press, 1984
Set Fair for Roanoke, University of North Carolina Press, 1985
Theory and Practice , East Carolina University Press, 1986
Exploiters and Colonies, Hambledon, 1990
Ireland and America, Liverpool University Press, 1991
A Buccaneer's Atlas, University of North Carolina, 1992
Sir Francis Drake as Seen by His Contemporaries, John Carter Brown Library, 1996
European Approaches to North America, 1450-1640, Ashgate/Variorum, 1998

N.C. Locations Associated with Quinn, David Beers