Holmes, Jr., Uban Tigner

Personal Information

  • Born in 1900

Here are some other books by the author:
A French Composition, Lucas Brothers, 1925
Books of Travel, University of North Carolina Press, 1927
The French Novel in English Translation, University of North Carolina Press, 1930
Sept contes de la vieille France, Heath, 1930
The Works of Guillaume de Salluste, sieur du Bartas, University of North Carolina Press, 1935, Editor
A History of the French Language, Hedrick, 1935
A Source Book for the History of the French Language, Hedrick, 1940
Census of French and Provencal Dialect Dictionaries in American Libraries, Linguistic Society of America, 1937, Complier
A History of Old French Literature, Crofts, 1937
Adenet le Roi, Berte aus grans Pies, University of North Carolina Press, 1946, Editor
Critical Bibliography of French Literature, 1947, Editor
Mediaeval Studies in Honor of Jeremiah Denis Mathias Ford, Harvard University Press, 1948, Editor
A New Interpretation of Chretien's conte del Graal, University of North Carolina Press, 1948
Romance Studies Presented to William Morton Dey, University of North Carolina Press, 1950, Editor
Willi Apel, French Secular Music of the Late Fourteenth Century, Mediaeval Academy of America, 1950, Editor
Daily Living in the Twelfth Century, Based on the Observations of Alexander Neckam in London and Paris, University of Wisconsin Press, 1952
Samuel Pepys in Paris and Other Essays, University of North Carolina Press, 1954
Chretien de Troyes and the Grail, University of North Carolina Press, 1956
French and Provencal Lexicography, Ohio State University Press, 1964, Editor
Romance Studies in Memory of Edward Billings Ham, California State College, 1967, Editor

N.C. Locations Associated with Holmes, Jr., Uban Tigner

Taught at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill