Parker, Gary E.

Personal Information

  • Born in 1953

Included Titles By Parker, Gary E.

Here are some other books by the author:
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, Thomas Nelson, 1994
Desert Water, Victor Books, 1995
Dark Road to Daylight, Thomas Nelson, 1996
Death Stalks a Holiday, Thomas Nelson, 1996
A Capital Offense, Thomas Nelson, 1998
The Ephesus Fragment, Bethany House, 1999
The Wedding Dress, Victor Books, 2001
The Gift of Doubt: From Crisis to Authentic Faith, Harper & Row, 1990
Creative Tensions: Personal Growth through Stress, Broadman, 1991
Principles Worth Protecting, Smyth & Helwys, 1993

N.C. Locations Associated with Parker, Gary E.

Resided in:
Denton (City/Town)