Mitchell, Theodore Robert

Personal Information

Pseudonym/ Also Know As
Ted Mitchell
  • Born in 1949

Here are some other books by the author:
Gender Differences in Housing Demand, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Further Thoughts on Estimating the Effects of Government Incentives to Housing, 1971
Housing and the Poor, Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 1974
The Choice of "Take It or Leave It" Positions, University of Minnesota, 1985
Alternative Views of the Buyer-Seller Interaction Process, University of Minnesota, 1986
Living Under the Act, Dept. of Environment and Heritage, 1995
Antaeus, Thomas Wolfe Society, 1996
Thomas Wolfe: A Writer's Life, N.C. Dept. of Cultural Resources, 1997
Thomas Wolfe: An Illustrated Biography, Pegasus Books, 2006
Windows of the Heart, University of South Carolina Press, 2007, Editor

N.C. Locations Associated with Mitchell, Theodore Robert

Resided in:
Arden (City/Town)