Savoy, Teo

Personal Information

  • Born in 1907

Here are some other books by the author:
The Landscape of Dreams, Braziller, 1960
The Single Secret, Braziller, 1961
A Penny for the Guy, Gollancz, 1963
To a High Place, Unicorn Press, 1971
Stonecrop, Unicorn Press, 1977
A Childhood, Unicorn Press, 1978
To Raise a Rainbow, Unicorn Press, 1980
Seed Under Mulch, 1963
The House Wrecker, Unicorn Press, 1967
Traveler's Palm, Unicorn Press, 1967
A Christmas Message Received During a Car Ride, Grace Hoper Press, 1967
Snow Vole, Unicorn Press, 1968
Transitions, Unicorn Press, 1971
Dragons of Mist and Torrent, Unicorn Press, 1974
Short Story Fiction
A Clutch of Fables, Unicorn Press, 1976
West to East, Unicorn Press, 1988

N.C. Locations Associated with Savoy, Teo

Resided in:
Greensboro (City/Town)