Holman, Clarence Hugh

Personal Information

  • Born in 1914

Included Titles By Holman, Clarence Hugh

Here are some other books by the author:
Mystery Fiction
Death like Thunder, Phoenix, 1942
Trout in the Milk, Mill, 1945
Slay the Murderer, Mill, 1946
Up This Crooked Way, Mill, 1946
Another Man's Poison, Mill, 1947
Small Town Murder, Phoenix Press, 1951
The Short Novels of Thomas Wolfe, Scribner, 1961, Editor
The Yemassee, Houghton, 1961, Editor
The World of Thomas Wolfe, Scribner, 1962, Editor
The Thomas Wolfe Reader, Scribner, 1962, Editor
Views and Reviews in American Literature, Harvard University Press, 1962, Editor
The Garreston Chronicle, Norton, 1964, Editor
Thomas Wolfe, Of Time and the River, Scribner, 1965, Editor
The Odyssey Surveys of American Writing, Odyssey Press, 1965-66, Editor
Three Modes of Modern Southern Fiction, University of Georgia Press, 1966
The American Novel through Henry James, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1966
The Letters of Thomas Wolfe to His Mother, University of North Carolina Press, 1968, Editor
Southern Fiction Today, University of Georgia Press, 1969
Southern Writing 1585-1920, Odyssey Press, 1970, Editor
Nathaniel Beverley Tucker, The Partisan Leader, University of North Carolina Press, 1971, Editor
Thomas Wolfe and the Glass of Time, University of Georgia Press, 1971
Roots of Southern Writing, University of Georgia Press, 1972
The Loneliness at the Core, Louisiana State University Press, 1975 (Mayflower Cup Award recipient)
Southern Literary Study, University of North Carolina Press, 1975, Editor
The Immoderate Past, University of Georgia Press, 1977
Windows on the World, University of Tennessee Press, 1979

N.C. Locations Associated with Holman, Clarence Hugh

Resided in:
Chapel Hill (City/Town)
Taught at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
Studied at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
Manuscript Location:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
