Sydnor, Charles Sackett

Personal Information

  • Born in 1898

Here are some other books by the author:
The Free Negro in Mississippi before the Civil War, Macmillan, 1927
Slavery in Mississippi, P. Smith, 1933
The Beginning of Printing in Mississippi, Franklin Press, 1935
A Gentleman of the Old Natchez Region, Benjamin L.C. Wailes, Duke University Press, 1938
Mississippi History, Johnson Pub. Co., 1939
The Development of Southern Sectionalism, 1819-1848, Louisiana State University Press, 1948 (Mayflower Cup Award recipient)
Gentlemen Freeholders, University of North Carolina Press, 1952
American Revolutionaries in the Making; Political Practices in Washington's Virginia, Free Press, 1952

N.C. Locations Associated with Sydnor, Charles Sackett

Resided in:
Durham (City/Town)
Taught at:
Duke University
Manuscript Location:
Duke University
