Newman, Paul Baker

Personal Information

Pseudonym/ Also Know As
P. B. Newman
  • Born in 1919

Here are some other books by the author:
The Cheetah and the Fountain, South & West, 1968 (Roanoke-Chowan Award recipient)
Dust of the Sun, South & West, 1969
The Ladder of Love, Smith-Horizon Press, 1970 (Roanoke-Chowan Award recipient)
Paula, Dragons Teeth Press, 1975
House on the Saco, Bauhan William, 1977 (Brockman-Campbell Book Award recipient)
The Light of the Red Horse, Carolina Wren Press, 1981
The G. Washington Poems, Briarpatch Press, 1986

N.C. Locations Associated with Newman, Paul Baker

Resided in:
Charlotte (City/Town)
Taught at:
Queens University of Charlotte