Miller, Jim Wayne

Personal Information

Here are some other books by the author:
The Wisdom of Folk Metaphor: The Brier Conducts a Laboratory Experiment , Seven Buffaloes, 1988
Newfound, Orchard, 1989
His First, Best Country, Gnomon, 1993
Juvenile Fiction
A Penny's Worth of Character, Jesse Stuart Foundation, 1986, Editor
The Beatinest Boy, Jesse Stuart Foundation, 1988, Editor
A Ride with Huey the Engineer, Jesse Stuart Foundation, 1988, Editor
The Rightful Owner, Jesse Stuart Foundation, 1988
Reading, Writing, Region: A Checklist and Purchase Guide for School and Community Libraries, Appalachian Consortium, 1984
Sideswipes, Seven Buffaloes, 1986
A Jesse Stuart Reader, Jesse Stuart Foundation, 1988
The Examined Life: Family, Community, and Work in American Literature, Appalachian Consortium, 1990
A Gathering at the Forks: Fifteen Years of the Hindman Settlement School Appalachian Writers Workshop, Vision Books, 1992
Southern Mountain Speech, Berea College, 1992, Editor
Appalachia Inside Out, U of Tennessee, 1994
Copperhead Cane, Robert Moore Allen, 1964
The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same, Whippoorwill, 1971
Dialogue with a Dead Man, U of Georgia, 1974
Emil Lerperger: The Figure of Fulfillment, Green River, 1975, Translation
The Mountains Have Come Closer, Appalachian Consortium, 1980 (Thomas Wolfe Memorial Literary Award recipient)
I Have a Place, Appalachian Learning Laboratory, 1981, Editor
Vein of Words, Seven Buffaloes, 1984
The Salzach Sibyl, Green River, 1985, Translation
Nostalgia for Seventy, Seven Buffaloes, 1986
Songs of a Mountain Plowman, Jesse Stuart Foundation and Morehead State UP, 1986, Editor
The Wolfpen Poems, Berea College, 1986, Editor
Brier, His Book, Gnomon, 1988
Round and round with Kahlil Gibran, Rowan Mountain, 1990
The Brier Poems, Gnomon, 1997
Theatrical Production Fiction
His First, Best Country, 1992

N.C. Locations Associated with Miller, Jim Wayne
