Grimsley, Jim

Personal Information

Included Titles By Grimsley, Jim

Here are some other books by the author:
Boulevard, Algonquin, 2002
The Ordinary, Tor, 2004
The Last Green Tree, Tor, 2006
Forgiveness, U of Texas, 2007
Theatrical Productions
The Existentialists, 1983
The Earthlings, 1984
Estelle and Otto, 1985
The Receptionist in Hell, 1985
Dead of Winter, 1986
Mr. Universe, 1987
On the Appearance of a Fire in the West, 1987
Anti-Gravity, 1988
Math and Aftermath, 1988
Eating the Green Monkey, 1989
Man with a Gun, 1989
White People, 1989
The Lizard of Tarsus, 1990
Belle Ives, 1991
The Fall of the House of Usher, 1991
Shelter, 1991
Aurora Be Mine, 1992
The Masturbator, 1992
Memo to the Assassin, 1992
Walk through Birdland, 1992
The Borderland, 1994
Mr. Universe and Other Plays, Algonquin, 1998
Fascination , 2002

N.C. Locations Associated with Grimsley, Jim

Studied at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill