Jensen, Margaret Tweten

Personal Information

Pseudonym/ Also Know As
Margaret T. Jensen
  • Born in 1916

Here are some other books by the author:
Stories from the Beach Chair
First We Have Coffee, Here's Life Publishers, 1982
Lena, Here's Life Publishers, 1985
First Comes the Wind, Here's Life Publishers, 1986
Papa's Place, Here's Life Publishers, 1987
Violets for Mr. B, Here's Life Publishers, 1988
A Nail in a Sure Place, Here's Life Publishers, 1989
Stories by the Sea, Here's Life Publishers, 1990
Prop up the Leanin' Side, Here's Life Publishers, 1992
Who will Wind the Clock?, T. Nelson, 1993
The Sun is Shining on the Other Side, T. Nelson Publishers, 1994
All God's Children Got Robes, Harvest House Publishers, 1996
A View from the Top, Harvest House Publishers, 1997
The Mending Basket, 2005

N.C. Locations Associated with Jensen, Margaret Tweten

Resided in:
Wilmington (City/Town)