Hunt, Mabel Leigh

Personal Information

  • Born in 1892

Included Titles By Hunt, Mabel Leigh

Here are some other books by the author:
Children’s Fiction
Lucinda, a Little Girl of 1860, Stokes, 1934
The Boy Who Had No Birthday, Stokes, 1935
Little Girl with Seven Names, Stokes, 1936
Susan, Beware!, Stokes, 1937
Little Grey Gown, Stokes, 1939
Michel's Island, Stokes, 1940
John of Pudding Lane, Stokes, 1941
Billy Button's Butter'd Biscuit, Stokes, 1941
Corn Belt Billy, Grosset, 1942
Have You Seen Tom Thumb?, Stokes, 1942
Peter Piper's Pickled Peppers, Stokes, 1942
The Peddler's Clock, Grosset, 1943
Young Man of the House, Lippincott, 1944
Sibby Botherbox, Lippincott, 1945
Such a Kind World, Grosset, 1947
The Double Birthday Present, Lippincott, 1947
Better Known as Johnny Appleseed, Lippincott, 1950
The Wonderful Baker, Lippincott, 1950
The Sixty-Ninth Grandchild, Lippincott, 1951
Ladycake Farm, Lippincott, 1952
Singing among Strangers, Lippincott, 1954
Miss Jellytot's Visit, Lippincott, 1955
Stars for Cristy, Lippincott, 1956
Tomorrow Will Be Bright, Ginn, 1958
Cristy at Skippinghills, Lippincott, 1958
Cupola House, Lippincott, 1961
Johnny-Up and Johnny-Down, Lippincott, 1962
Beggar's Daughter, Lippincott, 1963

N.C. Locations Associated with Hunt, Mabel Leigh