Olson, Charles

Personal Information

  • Born in 1910

Here are some other books by the author:
Call Me Ishmael, Reynal, Hitchcock, 1947
Mayan Letters, Divers, 1953
Projective Verse, Totem, 1959
A Bibliography on America for Ed Dorn, Four Seasons, 1964
Human Universe, and Other Essays, Auerhahn, 1965
Proprioception, Proprioception, 1965
Charles Olson Reading at Berkeley, Coyote, 1966
Selected Writings, New Directions, 1966
Pleistocene Man, Institute of Further Studies, 1968
Causal Mythology, Four Seasons, 1969
Letters for Origin, 1950-1956, Cape Goliard, 1969
Poetry and Truth: Beloit Letters and Poems, Four Seasons, 1971
Additional Prose, Four Seasons, 1974
The Post Office, Grey Fox, 1975
Muthologos: The Collected Lectures and Interviews, Four Seasons, 1978
To Corrado Cagli, Knoedler Gallery, 1947
YM & X, Black Sun, 1948
Letter for Melville, Melville Society, 1951
This , Black Mountain, 1952
In Cold Hell, In Thicket, B. DeBoer, 1953
The Maximus Poems 1-10, Jargon, 1953
The Maximus Poems 11-22, Jargon, 1956
Anecdotes of the Late War, Jargon, 1957
O'Ryan 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, White Rabbit, 1958
The Distances, Grove, 1961
Maximus, From Dogtown I, Auerhahn, 1961
O'Ryan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, White Rabbit, 1965
The Maximus Poems IV, V, VI, Cape Goliard, 1968
Archaeologist of Morning, Cape Goliard, 1970
The Maximus Poems, Volume III, Grossman, 1974
In Adullam's Lair, To the Lighthouse, 1975
Theatrical Productions
The Fiery Hunt and Other Plays, Four Seasons, 1977
Stocking Cap, Four Seasons, 1966

N.C. Locations Associated with Olson, Charles

Resided in:
Buncombe (County)
Taught at:
Black Mountain College