Steele, Wilbur Daniel

Personal Information

Included Titles By Steele, Wilbur Daniel

Here are some other books by the author:
Storm, Harper, 1914
Land's End and Other Stories, Harper, 1918
The Shame Dance and Other Stories, Harper, 1923
Isles of the Blest, Harper, 1924
Taboo, Harcourt, 1925
Urkey Island, Harcourt, 1926
The Man Who Saw Through Heaven and Other Stories, Harper, 1927
Meat, Harper, 1928
Tower of Sand and Other Stories, Harper, 1929
Undertow, Jacobson Publishing, 1930
Sounds of Rowlocks, Harper, 1938
That Girl From Memphis, Doubleday, 1945
Diamond Wedding, Doubleday, 1950
Full Cargo, Doubleday, 1951
Their Town, Doubleday, 1952
The Way to the Gold, Doubleday, 1955
Theatrical Productions
The Giant's Stair, Appleton, 1924
The Terrible Woman and Other One-Act Plays, Appleton, 1925
Post Road, with Norma Mitchell, Samuel French, 1935

N.C. Locations Associated with Steele, Wilbur Daniel

Resided in:
Chapel Hill (City/Town)