Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Personal Information

Pseudonym/ Also Know As
Christopher Crowfield
  • Born in 1811

Included Titles By Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Here are some other books by the author:
Prize Tale: A New England Sketch, Gilman, 1834
The Mayflower, Harper, 1843
History of the Edmonson Family, H.B. Stowe, 1852
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Jewett, Proctor and Worthington, 1952
Four Ways of Observing the Sabbath, Howell, 1853
A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, Proctor and Worthington, 1853
Uncle Sam's Emancipation, Hazard, 1853
Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, Phillips, Sampson, 1854
The Christian Slave, Phillips, Sampson, 1855
First Geography for Children, Phillips, Sampson, 1855
Elisabeth of the Wartburg, Liberty Bee, 1856
Our Charley, and What to Do With Him, Phillips, Sampson, 1858
The Minister's Wooing, Derby and Jackson, 1859
The Pearl of Orr's Island, Ticknor and Fields, 1862
Agnes of Sorrento, Ticknor and Fields, 1862
The Chimney Corner, Ticknor and Fields, 1865
House and Home Papers, Ticknor and Fields, 1865
Little Foxes, Ticknor and Fields, 1866
Queer Little People, Ticknor and Fields, 1867
Stories about Our Dogs, Nimmo, 1867
Oldtown Folks, Fields, Osgood, 1869
Little Pussy Willow, Fields, Osgood, 1870
My Wife and I, Ford, 1871
Pink and White Tyranny, Roberts, 1871
Half a Dozen of the Other, Roberts, 1872
Oldtown Fireside Stories, Fields, Osgood, 1872
Palmetto-Leaves, Fields, Osgood, 1873
Betty's Bright Idea, National Temperance Society, 1875
We and Our Neighbors; or, The Records of an Unfashionable Street, Ford, 1875
Footsteps of the Master, Ford, 1877
Poganuc People, Fords, Howard and Hulbert, 1878
A Dog's Mission; or, The Story of the Old Avery House and Other Stories, Fords, Howard and Hulbert, 1880
Nelly's Heroics with Other Heroic Stories, Lothrop, 1883
Six of One by We Young Folks, Lothrop, 1886
Light After Darkness, Sampson Low, Son and Marston, 1867
Religious Poems, Ticknor and Fields, 1867
First Geography for Children, Phillips, Sampson, 1855
A Reply to "The Affectionate and Christian Address of Many Thousands of Women of Great Britain and Ireland to Their Sisters, the Women of the United States of America," Low, 1863
Men of Our Times; or, Leading Patriots of the Day, Hartford, 1868
Lady Byron Vindicated, Fields, Osgood, 1870
Woman in Sacred History, Fords, Howard and Hulbert, 1873
He's Coming Tomorrow, Advent Christian, 1874

N.C. Locations Associated with Stowe, Harriet Beecher