Personal Information
- Born in 1889
Included Titles By Tunis, John Roberts
- Highpockets (1948)
Here are some other books by the author:
Juvenile Fiction
The Iron Duke, Harcourt, 1938
The Duke Decides, Harcourt, 1939
Champion's Choice, Harcourt, 1940
The Kid from Tomkinsville, Harcourt, 1940
World Series, Harcourt, 1941
All-American, Harcourt, 1942
Million-Miler, Messner, 1942
Keystone Kids, Harcourt, 1943
Rookie of the Year, Harcourt, 1944
Yea! Wildcats!, Harcourt, 1944
A City for Lincoln, Harcourt, 1945
The Kid Comes Back, Morrow, 1946
Son of the Valley, Morrow, 1949
Young Razzle, Morrow, 1949
The Other Side of the Fence, Morrow, 1953
Go, Team, Go!, Morrow, 1954
Buddy and the Old Pro, Morrow, 1955
Schoolboy Johnson, Morrow, 1958
Silence Over Dunkerque, Morrow, 1962
His Enemy, His Friend, Morrow, 1967
Grand National, Morrow, 1973
American Girl, Brewer & Warren, 1930
Sports, Heroics, and Hysterics, John Day, 1928
Was College Worth While?, Harcourt, 1936
Choosing a College, Harcourt, 1940
Sport for the Fun of It, A.S. Barnes, 1940
Democracy and Sport, A.S. Barnes, 1941
This Writing Game, A.S. Barnes, 1941
Lawn Games, A.S. Barnes, 1943
The American Way in Sport, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1958
A Measure of Independence, Atheneum, 1964