Blackburn, Alexander Lambert

Personal Information

  • Born in 1929 , in Durham, NC.

Here are some other books by the author:
The Cold War of Kitty Pentecost, Swallow/Ohio University Press, 1979
Suddenly a Mortal Splendor, Baskerville Publishers, 1995
Meeting the Professor, John F. Blair Publisher, 2004
The Myth of the Picaro, University of North Carolina Press, 1979
The Interior Country, Swallow/Ohio University Press, 1987, Editor
A Sunrise Brighter Still, Swallow/Ohio University Press, 1991
Higher Elevations, Swallow/Ohio University Press, 1993, Editor
Creative Spirit, Creative Arts, 2000

N.C. Locations Associated with Blackburn, Alexander Lambert

Studied at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
Manuscript Location:
Duke University