Bellamy, Joe David

Personal Information

  • Born in 1941

Here are some other books by the author:
Suzi Sinzinnati, Pushcart Press, 1989
Atomic Love, University of Arkansas, 1993
The New Fiction, University of Illinois Press, 1974
American Poetry Observed, University of Illinois Press, 1984
Literary Luxuries, University of Missouri, 1995
The Bellamys of Early Virginia, iUniverse, 2005
The Lost Saranac Interviews, Writers Digest Books, 2007
New World Extra, Bellamy House, 2009
Olympic Gold Medalist, North American Review, 1978
The Frozen Sea, Orchises Press, 1988

N.C. Locations Associated with Bellamy, Joe David

Resided in:
Durham (City/Town)
Taught at:
East Carolina University
Studied at:
Duke University