De Mille, William Churchill

Personal Information

Here are some other books by the author:
Theatrical Fiction
Strongheart, 1905
The Land of the Free, 1906
The Warrens of Virginia, 1907
The Woman, 1911
The Ragamuffin, 1916
The Blacklist, 1916
Maria Rosa, 1916
The World and the Woman, 1916
Joan the Woman, 1916
The Woman God Forgot, 1917
One More American, 1918
We Can't Have Everything, 1918
For Better, for Worse, 1919
Why Change Your Wife?, 1920
The Warrens of Virginia, 1924
Classmates, 1924
The Night Club, 1925
The Splendid Crime, 1925
Braveheart, 1925
The Telephone Girl, 1927
The Doctor's Secret, 1929
The Man Higher Up, 1929
The Secret Call, 1931
Captain Fury, 1939

N.C. Locations Associated with De Mille, William Churchill