Weaver, John Van Alstyne

Personal Information

Here are some other books by the author:
In American, Knopf, 1921
Finders: More Poems in American, Knopf, 1923
More "In American" Poems, Knopf, 1926
To Youth, Knopf , 1928
Turning Point, Knopf, 1930
Trial Balance: A Sentimental Journey, Farrar & Rineheart, 1932
In American: The Collected Poems of John V.A. Weaver, Knopf, 1939
Theatrical Productions
Love 'em and Leave 'em: A Comedy in Three Acts, S. French, 1926
So That's That, Appleton, 1926
Margey Wins the Game, Knopf, 1922
Her Knight Comes Riding, Knopf, 1928
Hollywood-Nymph, Cassell, 1932
Joy-Girl, Knopf, 1932

N.C. Locations Associated with Weaver, John Van Alstyne