Werternbaker, Lael Tucker

Personal Information

  • Born in 1909

Included Titles By Werternbaker, Lael Tucker

Here are some other books by the author:
Lament for Four Virgins, Random, 1952
The Deeper Strings, Heinemann, 1956
Festival, Random, 1954
The Eye of the Lion, Little, Brown, 1965
Unbidden Guests, Little, Brown, 1970
Perilous Voyage, Little, Brown, 1975
Juvenile Fiction
Tip and Dip, Lippincott, 1960
Mercy Percy, Lippincott, 1961
Rhyming Word Games, Simon & Schuster, 1964
Death of a Man, Boston, Beacon Press, 1957
You and the Armed Services, Simon & Schuster, 1961
A Portrait of Hotchkiss, Time-Life, 1965
The World of Pablo Picasso, Time-Life, 1967
The Magic of Light, Little, Brown, 1972
To Mend the Heart, Viking, 1980
The Eye: Window to the World, U. S. News Books, 1981
Theatrical Productions
A Gift of Time, S. French, 1962

N.C. Locations Associated with Werternbaker, Lael Tucker