Bell, Thelma Harrington

Personal Information

  • Born in 1896

Included Titles By Bell, Thelma Harrington

Here are some other books by the author:
Youth Fiction
Black Face, Doubleday, 1931
See America First Coloring Book, Harter, 1934
Pawnee, Viking, 1950
Yaller-Eye, Viking, 1950
Take It Easy, Viking, 1951
Snow, Viking, 1954
A Dash of Pepper, Viking, 1965
Captain Ghost, Viking, 1959 (American Association of University Women Award recipient)
Thunderstorm, Viking, 1960
The Riddle of Time, Viking, 1963

N.C. Locations Associated with Bell, Thelma Harrington

Resided in:
Mountains (Region)
Manuscript Location:
University of North Carolina -Greensboro