Williams, Philip Lee

Personal Information

  • Born in 1950

Included Titles By Williams, Philip Lee

Here are some other books by the author:
The Heart of a Distant Forest, Norton, 1984
All the Western Stars, Peachtree Publishers, 1988
Slow Dance in Autumn, Peachtree Publishers, 1988
The Song of Daniel, Peachtree Publishers, 1989
Perfect Timing, Peachtree Publishers, 1990
Final Heat, Random House, 1992
Blue Crystal, Grove, 1993
The True and Authentic History of Jenny Dorset, Longstreet Press, 1997
A Distant Flame, Thomas Dunne Books, 2004
In the Morning, Mercer University Press,2006
Memoir Non-Fiction
Crossing Wildcat Ridge, University of Georgia Press, 1999
Theatrical Production Fiction
Oconee, Georgia Public Television, 1987
The Silent Stars Go By, Hill Street Press, 1998

N.C. Locations Associated with Williams, Philip Lee