Banning, Margaret Culkin

Personal Information

  • Born in 1891

Included Titles By Banning, Margaret Culkin

Here are some other books by the author:
Pressure, A L Burt Co, 1927
Money of Her Own, New York A.L. Burt c, 1928
Path Of True Love, Grosset & Dunlap Pub, 1933
The Third Son, Harper & Brothers, 1934
Letters to Susan, Harper & Brothers, 1936
A Week in New York, Harper and Brothers, 1941
Women for Defense, New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1942
The Convert, Harper and Brothers, 1957
The Vine and the Olive, Harper & Row, 1964
Quality of Mercy, McFadden, 1967
Echo Answers, Harper and Brothers, 1968
Mesabi, Harper & Row, 1969
Lifeboat Number Two, Harper & Row, 1971
The Will of Magda Townsend, Harper & Row, 1974
The Splendid Torments, Harper & Row, 1976
Short Story Fiction
Spellbinders, George H. Doran, 1922
Country Club People, George H. Doran, 1923

N.C. Locations Associated with Banning, Margaret Culkin

Resided in:
Tryon (City/Town)