Younger, Barbara

Personal Information

Here are some other books by the author:
Juvenile Literature
One Morning in Joseph's Garden: An Easter Story, Abingdon, 1998
Purple Mountain Majesty: The Story of Katherine Lee Bates and "America, the Beautiful," Dutton Juvenile, 1998
Good News Travels Fast!: An Easter Story, Abingdon, 2001
Easter A to Z: Every Letter Tells a Story, Abingdon, 2002
Sing It, Make It, Say It, Pray It and Other Ways to Write God's Word on Your Heart!, Abingdon, 2002
The Christmas Garland, Ideals Children's Books, 2003
The Symbols Speak: A Story for Easter, Abingdon, 2003
Unwrapping the Christmas Crèche , Abingdon, 2005
Mystery in the Stable, Abingdon, 2006
Making Scripture Stick: 52 Unforgettable Bible Verse Adventures for Children, Group Books, 1992
Creative Ways to Offer Praise: 100 Ideas for Sunday Worship, Abingdon, 1993
Hooray for Children's Church, Abingdon, 1995
Boredom-Busting Ideas to Involve Children in Adult Worship, Group Books, 1996
A Moment with God for Children: Prayers for Little Ones , Dimensions for Living, 1997
Flood Punch, Bowl Bread, and Group Soup: 60 Multi-Age Activities for Christian Kids, Abingdon, 2001
Homework for the Heart: Devotions for Teachers, Dimensions for Living, 2003
Celebrating God's World in Children's Church, Abingdon, 2005

N.C. Locations Associated with Younger, Barbara

Resided in:
Hillsborough (City/Town)
Orange (County)
Studied at:
Duke University
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill