Lefler, Hugh Talmage

Personal Information

Included Titles By Lefler, Hugh Talmage

Here are some other books by the author:
Hinton Rowan Helper, Advocate of White America, Historical Publishing, 1935
A Plea for Federal Union, University Press of Virginia, 1947, Editor
The Papers of Walter Clark, University of North Carolina Press, 1948, Editor
The United States, Ronald, 1950
Orange Country, 1752, Orange Printshop, 1953, Editor
Travels in the Old South, University of Oklahoma Press, 1956, Editor
Colonial America, Macmillan, 1958
America, Land of Freedom, Heath, 1959
A History of the United States, Meridian, 1960

N.C. Locations Associated with Lefler, Hugh Talmage

Resided in:
Chapel Hill (City/Town)
Greensboro (City/Town)
Taught at:
Duke University
North Carolina State University
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina -Greensboro
Studied at:
Duke University
Manuscript Location:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
