Henderson, Archibald

Personal Information

Included Titles By Henderson, Archibald

Here are some other books by the author:
George Bernard Shaw: His Life and Works, Stewart & Kidd, 1911 (Patterson Cup Award recipient)
Interpreters of Life and the Modern Spirit, Kennerley, 1911
Mark Twain, Duckworth, 1911
The Twenty-Seven Lines upon the Cubic Surface, Cambridge UP, 1911
European Dramatists, Stewart & Kidd, 1913
The Changing Drama, Holt, 1914
O. Henry: A Memorial Essay, Mutual Publishing Co., 1914
The South's Awakening, Tulane UP, 1915
The Star of Empire, Seeman Printery, 1919
The Teaching of Geometry, U of North Carolina, 1920
Relativity, A Romance of Science, U of North Carolina, 1923
Washington's Southern Tour, 1791, Houghton Mifflin, 1923
The Theory of Relativity, U of North Carolina, 1924
Table-Talk of G.B.S., Harper, 1925
Is Bernard Shaw a Dramatist?, Kennerley, 1929
The Transylvania Company and the Founding of Henderson, Kentucky, Henderson, 1929
Contemporary Immortals, Appleton, 1930
Washington the Traveler, U.S. George Washington Bicentennial Commission, 1931
Bernard Shaw: Playboy and Prophet, Appleton, 1932 (Mayflower Award recipient)
The Founding of Nashville, Second of the Transylvania Towns, Henderson, 1932
The Significance of the Transylvania Company in American History, Henderson, 1935
Coming of Age of the Carolina Playmakers, Carolina Dramatic Association, 1940, ed.
Pioneering a People's Theatre, U of North Carolina Press, 1945, ed.
George Bernard Shaw: Man of the Century, Appleton, 1956 (Mayflower Award recipent)
Elisha Mitchell, Scientist and Man, U of North Carolina, 1957

N.C. Locations Associated with Henderson, Archibald

Resided in:
Chapel Hill (City/Town)
Taught at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
Studied at:
University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill
