Tate, Eleanora E.

Personal Information

  • Born in 1948

Included Titles By Tate, Eleanora E.

Here are some other books by the author:
Juvenile Fiction
Just an Overnight Guest, Dial, 1980
The Secret of Gumbo Grove, F. Watts, 1987
Thank You, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr!, F. Watts, 1990
Front Porch Stories at the One-Room School, Bantam, 1992
Retold African Myths, Perfection Learning, 1993
A Blessing in Disguise, Delacorte, 1995
The Minstrel's Melody, Pleasant, 2001
African American Musicians, Wiley, 2000

N.C. Locations Associated with Tate, Eleanora E.

Resided in:
Durham (City/Town)
