Watson, Robert Winthrop

Personal Information

  • Born in 1925

Included Titles By Watson, Robert Winthrop

Here are some other books by the author:
Three Sides of the Mirror, Putnam, 1966
Lilly Lang, St. Martin's, 1977
A Paper Horse, Atheneum, 1962
Advantages of Dark, Atheneum, 1966
Christmas in Las Vegas, Atheneum, 1971
Selected Poems, Atheneum, 1974
Island of Bones, Unicorn Press, 1976
Night Blooming Cactus, Atheneum, 1980
The Pendulum: New and Selected Poems, Louisiana State University Press, 1995 (Roanoke-Chowan Award Recipient)
Theatrical Production Fiction
The Hoax, 1960
A Plot in the Palace, 1964

See selections from the Robert W. Watson Papers

N.C. Locations Associated with Watson, Robert Winthrop

Resided in:
Greensboro (City/Town)
Taught at:
University of North Carolina -Greensboro
Manuscript Location:
University of North Carolina -Greensboro