Wilson, Emily Herring

Personal Information

Included Titles By Wilson, Emily Herring

Here are some other books by the author:
Down Zion's Alley, Drummer Press, 1972
Balancing on Stones, Jackpine Press, 1975
Soloman's Seal, Cedar Rock Press, 1978
Arise Up and Call Her Blessed, Iron Mountain Press, 1982
To Fly Without Hurry, St. Andrews College Press, 2001
The Three Graces of Val-Kill, University of North Carolina Press, 2017

N.C. Locations Associated with Wilson, Emily Herring

Resided in:
Winston-Salem (City/Town)
Taught at:
Salem College
University of North Carolina -Greensboro
Wake Forest University
Studied at:
University of North Carolina -Greensboro
Wake Forest University
Manuscript Location:
University of North Carolina -Greensboro
