Miller, Heather Ross

Personal Information

Included Titles By Miller, Heather Ross

Here are some other books by the author:
Tenants of the House, Harcourt, 1966 (Sir Walter Raleigh Award Recipient)
Confessions of a Champeen Fire-Baton Twirler, North Carolina Review, 1976
Short Stories
A Spiritual Divorce and Other Stories, Blair, 1974
The Wind Southerly, Harcourt, 1967
Horse Horse, Tyger Tyger, Red Clay Books, 1973
Adam's First Wife, Briarpatch, 1983
Hard Evidence, U of Missouri, 1990
Friends and Assassins, U of Missouri, 1993
Gypsy with Baby, Louisiana Literature, 2005
Lumina: A Town of Voices, Louisiana Literature Press, 2011
Women Disturbing the Peace, Louisiana Literature Press, 2018 (Roanoke-Chowan Award recipient)

N.C. Locations Associated with Miller, Heather Ross

Resided in:
Badin (City/Town)
Taught at:
Pfeiffer University
Studied at:
University of North Carolina -Greensboro
Manuscript Location:
University of North Carolina -Greensboro
